Thursday, October 22, 2009

Letting Anger Subside With EFT By StewartRobertson


Some of us deal with upsetting situations with anger. It doesn’t seem to matter who or what we are angry with. We are angry and that is the only thing that matters. Most of the time, we are angry at the situation that leaves us in a bind and for a time renders us helpless. The bad thing is, while anger is bursting inside us, we inevitably take it out on the people around us - our spouse, children, friends, people we work with - and end up hurting them.

Anger and being occasionally angry is not the crux of the matter, though. After all, to be angry once in a while is only human. The real problem arises when we let anger get out of hand and start directing it towards other people in an attempt to give vent to negative feelings. When this happens, what usually comes out as a consequence requires double efforts on our part and even more stress in our life. We have to deal with the anger brewing inside us and start trying to repair relationships with people we have hurt at the height of our anger, both of which is not constructive as they take the mind away from resolving the difficult situation that gave rise to the anger in the first place.

But, as we have said, to be angry is natural and an inherently human thing. We can never hope to live a life that is devoid of anger as that is utterly impossible. What is of utmost importance, therefore, is to finally look for a way that will help us put a lid on our anger and help us manage it more efficiently. There are a handful of ways to help us do just that. One of the most popular, uncomplicated, and effectual way is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

As its name suggest, EFT affords us freedom from emotions that may inhibit us from living life fully and pleasantly. EFT works with a series of points in the body that correspond to acupuncture points. In fact, EFT is very much like acupuncture, but without the needles and the resulting pain. EFT necessitates you to perform a habitual tapping on acupuncture points on our body while delivering a series of positive and reassuring statements that deal exclusively with the situation that brought on your anger. The acupuncture points include the karate chop point, the bony ridge on the outside of the eyes and under the eyes, the inside of the eyebrows, under the nose, in the middle of the chin, on the collarbone, and under the armpits.

EFT is a simple process. It is painless, and there is no need for a cocktail of medication or an exhausting set of exercises. EFT is very easy to learn and memorize. It is convenient as you can perform it anytime and anywhere with little or no cost at all. If done routinely and regularly, EFT will provide you with results that will last for a very long time, most times, forever. Its side effects, if any at all, are mostly positive that you will hardly feel anything at all.

With the correct performance of the process of EFT, you will soon find yourself calmer, more laidback, and better equipped to deal with stressful situations and control or manage the angry emotions that may arise.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How to Improve Your Self Belief Using Affirmations By Phil Booker

Phil Booker

Billions of people, perhaps you included, recognize the need and even hunger to gain greater control of the mind. Our subconscious mind helps to feed us with propositions, suggestions, thought patterns and trigger dreams and day dreams. Our mind is a powerful tool but can be lead by our subconscious mind. If we can improve the signals that our subconscious mind provides us, we'll be better prepared for success, especially if those are positive feeds. Positive affirmations are statements which reflect your goals and dreams in life, whether that be about health, wealth, love or relationships.

Every technique for success of the mind will employ a system of affirmations. Whichever article or book you read, affirmations play a big part. Instead of getting a feeling of doubt, fear, shame, lethargy and many other negative thoughts, your subconscious mind should be feeding you with positives.

Fear is a very big topic and can hold you back from exploring many aspects of life. If we could manage that fear with positive thoughts rather than thoughts that feed and multiply that fear, we must be onto advancement rather than mediocrity.

When a person is mentally limited, they may find that they are unable to complete a task or goal that they are aiming for. Whether this is career progression, overcoming money problems or even passing a driving test; being able to understand and achieve your full potential can be difficult.

Affirmations... They are a great tool to re-program your unconscious mind and free it from negative thought patterns.

Overcoming our mental negative-ness will improve our life and starts to plot a brighter future. No more doubt, no more fear, our energy is renewed and our attitude is improved. All of which are the characteristics of a successful person, which can be given an injection by affirmation enhancement.

Without setting clear goals on which to model your success and aim towards, it is hard to ever unlock your potential that you have unveiled through the process of affirmation. In order to create an abundance of resources for yourself, you will have to decide the level on which you wish to scale your wealth creation and when it is time to decide you have made enough money.

Affirmations can work for anyone... The reason you use affirmations is to reprogram your brain, beliefs, and habits or attachments to negative beliefs and behaviors so you get the outcomes you desire, want or need.

For those who have never fully understood the purpose of Affirmations may connect to the word - self-sabotage. What in actual fact self-sabotage means in this situation, is to allow the subconscious mind to feed us with ideas that are untrue, but nonetheless for strange reasons we follow such direction.

There is more to life than you are presently experiencing. Something deep inside you has told you that you have a choice. Doing nothing different… means nothing different will happen in your life. Changing a few simple thought patterns and success is yours.

This link between attitude and outcome is well supported by medical and scientific research. Affirmations are not just a fad, but supported by scientific research.

It does not matter which aspect of life you choose to examine, health, relationships, prosperity, a positive attitude is a key factor in success. “I have done great work today that will advance my career” – not “I hope I get something right today otherwise I’ll lose my job”

We need to turn our attention to understanding our own inner talk.

Positive affirmations are words that offer power to the subconscious mind … to read more please visit this site:


What's The Score By John Ratcliffe

John Ratcliffe

One of the principle tenets of Buddhism is the doctrine of non-attachment. What this tells us is that it is not wise to become too deeply involved with something, or attached to it so that you feel that you can't live without it. Whether it is a thing, or a person or a teaching or whatever. To become so attached hinders our progress along the way. If you consider this teaching carefully, the truth of it soon becomes obvious. What is not so obvious however is that it is possible to be negatively attached to something as well. This means to hate something with the same potency that you love something else. Although this seems to be opposite to attachment, it's disadvantageous effect on our training is the same. Both states of mind hinder our progress.

I personally have to admit that I suffer from this state of negative attachment with regard to nearly all kinds of sport. The one I loathe most of all is English football. As a practicing Buddhist, I know that it is not good for my own development to feel so strongly about something. It means that my mind is not in balance, not in harmony if you like, and I have spent a great deal of time thinking about why I feel this way. The conclusion that I have reached is that it is because all kind of sport generates the spirit of competition. This is more apparent in football than other sports because it is obvious from the way that the fans go crazy when their side scores a goal, that their sense of competitiveness is very strong. It even spills over into the streets when the mindless game is finished and rival groups of fans confront each other, looking for a fight and thereby costing the taxpayer money to maintain a police presence to control them. Though it isn't quite as obvious with other sports, in the sense that you don't usually get cricket or rugby fans kicking hell out of each other, the sense of competition is still there.

There is no doubt about it; being competitively minded is not good for spiritual progress. To feel competitive means that you feel that there is someone or something to compete with. That you are different from me and you want to assert that difference and show that you are better in some way than I am. Your sense of ego may feel threatened or in another way subdued when it meets my sense of ego, and it doesn't like that feeling, and so it offers a challenge, which may be in the form of a competitive sport, or perhaps a simple argumentative confrontation. Whatever challenge is offered, it is just your sense of ego that is doing the challenging. It is not you. You are not your ego; in fact there is no such thing in reality as ego. However, for something that doesn't exist, it certainly causes a lot of trouble in your life.

If you truly want to progress along the spiritual path, (and every astute person would want to), then you must discard this false notion of a separate, individual self, lose your spirit of competition, and strive to help other living beings instead of competing with them. There is no need to assert your superiority over another being, whether it is human or other animal form, because you are not superior, nor is he superior to you. All are equal, all are one, and nothing else exists. In order to make this a reality for you, it is necessary to get rid of that spirit of competition that you have prized so highly. The sense that your football team is better than another team. That mindless ego that makes you shout and cheer when some grossly overpaid player manages to propel that silly bag of air made from some poor cows' hide, into a trajectory that results in it going in a direction that scores a 'goal.' So what?

As long as the competitive spirit endures, the sense of individualized ego will continue. There will thus be rich and poor, war famine and pestilence. Until we realise that this was not the way that the Eternal, (God if you prefer), intended us to live, we shall not have peace of mind or peace in the world.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

EFT Tips to Improve Effectiveness By StewartRobertson


Whether you are suffering from mild stress from work, to bigger financial problems in your own household, you can use emotional freedom techniques and achieve good results with them. Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT helps release negative energy which is said to be the culprits who build up certain physical and emotional problems in our lives. Experts also say that most of our daily sickness and symptoms come from our mind. What EFT does is that it employs certain techniques which are guaranteed to relieve you of certain physical and emotional problems that could stem from a variety of sources. All of these problems are believed to be coming from negative energy which is trapped in certain points in our body.

Emotional freedom techniques are applicable to the following physical and emotional instabilities: smoking addiction, weight problems, trauma, anxiety, anger, depression, financial problems, allergies, arthritis, insomnia, dealing with pregnancy, birthing, speech incompetence, all kinds of emotional and physical stress, and many other conditions. EFT is can be done by anyone capable of understanding their situation, and this process is not harmful that pregnant women and children may also undergo this. EFT works for different types of situations as well. Whenever you have a work-related problem, like a misunderstanding with your co-worker or being ratted on to your boss, you can use EFT to relieve you of any negative emotions and help you foster a better idea on how to fix the problem. There are a number of people who have tried EFT and it worked for them.

People have that notion that these types of therapies don’t actually work. However, think about the old times, when people didn’t have the medical technology that we now have. People during those times employed extraordinary methods which up to now are still proven effective. Acupuncture is a widely-known and really old method of curing diseases. In part, most of the techniques done in EFT were derived from this old practice. In EFT, the essential points in the body are actually the acupunctural points which are tapped. Think of EFT as a tool to release the negative energy, and not a fast way to relieve you of whatever health problems you are facing. Sooner or later you will be experiencing relief if you just allow yourself to go thru the process.

Emotional freedom depends upon your own outlook in life. If you feel that you are lacking in some aspect in your life, perhaps that is where you should start healing yourself. EFT can help you in a variety of ways. EFT can help you in your finances, relationships, and even your own personal feelings and emotions. By using this highly-recommended alternative to practical medicine, you can achieve a better new self and eliminate all the harmful negativity in your body. With EFT, you become one with your body, as well as your soul. It is in opening your mind to a better version of yourself can EFT become effective and attract positive results.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Using the Law of Attraction: Change the World by Changing Your Mind By Tim Whiston

Tim Whiston

Your thoughts and feelings not only create your personality, but also have a very real impact on the world around you. This article will show you how you can change “outside” events by focusing on your inner world.

Ancient cultures knew the inner world of mind was a reflection of the outer, material world and vice versa. Modern science, through quantum physics and neurology, has finally caught up with these profound teachings.

What ancient sages called oneness, or unity, is obvious in all of life. The cells in your body work together in the same way various elements of the world’s most fragile ecosystems coordinate and flow.

In fact we see an amazing synchronicity when we compare the particles and nuclei of the atomic world to the planetary bodies and stars of the heavens. The same circular relationships and serendipitous arrangements are apparent beneath the microscope and through the lens of our most powerful telescopes.

You are part of an incredible universe, and your thoughts, feelings, and actions reverberate throughout all reality. An honest look at your own life will reveal the direct connection of deep thoughts to physical phenomena; sadly we have been trained by mainstream society to be obtuse, and to ignore these obvious signs.

Fortunately, many diligent researchers across the globe have shed light on the very real impact our thoughts have on the outer world. Among the most compelling of these studies are the numerous examinations of how prayer and/or meditation can be used to alter weather patterns, eliminate disease in test subjects, and even reduce crime rates.

World-renowned scientist Dr. John Hagelin has participated in numerous studies on the external effects of group meditation. During the summer of 1994 one such study successfully reduced crime by 25% in Washington, D.C, earning the vocal support of the FBI and D.C. metro police.

The results of the D.C. experiment were actually predicted ahead of time, based on 12 previous studies in other cities! The question then becomes not “is this possible”, but rather “why are these studies not given proper publicity and government support?”

In view of this and other research, one is within reason to wonder what could happen if the world population took a serious look at the power of thought. What kind of amazing results could we produce if we focused our collective attention on any one global problem?

On a smaller scale, the reader is urged to take renewed responsibility for his or her own patterns of thought and feeling. Sustained positive thought can benefit not only the individual, but also the people in his or her life.

It doesn’t take research data to prove your attitude has a definite impact on the people you come into contact with. In fact you can likely remember more than one occasion when you were able to lift the spirits of someone else just by smiling at them.

And how many times have you gone to work, either in a very good or very bad mood, and soon realized your disposition was “rubbing off” on co-workers? Most likely your goal had not been to effect others, and yet you did!

What could happen if you made it your intention to share your “good vibrations” with others? I challenge you proactively put as much positive energy into the world as possible.

You are not the powerless individual you might have previously thought of yourself as. You possess the very real ability to influence the world around you, so if you don’t like the way things are at this moment, do your part to initiate change from within.
